Our Residents deserve the best!
We make it our business to know all the legislative requirements for Aged Care homes, Class 1 food premises to ensure you keep our residents safe. Our Dietitians, Speech Pathologists and Physiotherapists, Food Safety Experts and Auditors are here to help you meet your compliance needs and improve the quality of our resident’s lives. Afterall, our residents deserve the best of care!
FREE Education Session for Aged Care Homes
In 2025, we're bringing to you a bunch of nutritional education session for FREE. Presented LIVE by our amazing Dietitians. These topics are in-depth and targeted to the Aged Care sector. These session are not recorded and have limited places. RSVP today to ensure you don't miss out.
- Tue, 06 MayVirtual Education SessionFREE 30-min Nutritional Education Session for Residential Aged Care homes covering the importance of Residents' Choice.
How we help Aged Care Homes
Food Safety Training
Anyone who handles food requires food safety training! Our accredited Food Safety Level 1 and Level 2 training is available Face-to-face, virtually and onsite for large groups.
The best food in Aged Care
Take a look at our showcase of amazing food within Aged Care Homes.
Upcoming webinars
Everyone is welcome to join.
- Wed, 09 AprWebinar
- Wed, 04 JuneWebinar
- Thu, 17 JulyWebinar