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Our NEW Aged Care Recipe Book is coming soon.

Express your interest today!

Thanks for expressing your interest in our Aged Care Recipe Book. You'll be one of the first to know when it's released.

Our NEW Recipe Book includes over 100 recipes! 

Consisting of a range of Breakfast, Soups, Salads, Mid Meals, Main meals and Desserts!
Each Recipe...

Asset 120.png
Serves 50 adults
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Is Dietetic Assessed
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Lists potential allergens
Asset 123.png
Texture Modification Suitability table (IDDSI)

Meet our Aged Care Dietitians

We have wonderful, talented and passionate bunch of Dietitians around Australia to support your Aged Care residents and nutrition program.

Need High Energy, High Protein Recipes?

Well, we can’t say too much yet as we’re in the middle of developing it. But we will releasing a High Energy, High Protein Recipe book shortly. Be sure to leave your details and you’ll be one of the first to know once its released. 

Need Finger Food Recipes?

Yes we have Finger Food Recipe Book coming soon. Especially for residents with Dementia, this recipe book will be must. Be sure to leave your details and you’ll be one of the first to know once its released. 

FREE Education Session for Aged Care Homes

In 2025, we're bringing to you a bunch of nutritional education session for FREE. Presented LIVE by our amazing Dietitians. These topics are in-depth and targeted to the Aged Care sector. These session are not recorded and have limited places. RSVP today to ensure you don't miss out. 

  • Residents' Choice
    Residents' Choice
    Tue, 06 May
    Virtual Education Session
    FREE 30-min Nutritional Education Session for Residential Aged Care homes covering the importance of Residents' Choice.
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