Our Speech Pathologists empower residents!
Swallowing difficulties can be serious and have significant consequences for residents, their loved ones, and staff members in a residential Aged Care Home.
It’s important to have a Speech Pathologist support individuals with their mealtime and swallowing concerns. Using an evidence-based approach, we specialise in assessment and management of speech, swallowing, voice and communication difficulties within the Aged Care sector.
Benefits of our Speech Pathologists

Easy referral process to cut paperwork and reduce clinical staff workload

Recommendations are practical and easy for the facility to adopt

Consistent and thorough documentation in line with legislative practice

Proactive service for the management and review of residents

Telehealth options for both swallowing and communication assessments
Improve resident and family satisfaction
Our approach minimises complaints and improves resident and family satisfaction
This clear communication style in explaining the speech pathology advice with staff, residents and families will:
reduce clinical staff time
provide families with an opportunity to understand and express any concerns
minimise the risk of residents experiencing serious medical episodes as a result of choking or aspiration
Our team is experienced in managing complex dysphagia, medically unstable residents, high or known aspiration risk, head and neck cancer, and palliative care.
Conditions we manage include:
Swallowing impairments
Speech Impairments
Language or communication impairments
Voice impairments
IDDSI Training
Our IDDSI training is comprehensive, evidenced-based and personable. We provide two hour in-depth information on not only implementing IDDSI, but additionally why it is important knowledge for each unique role in the healthcare field. Presented LIVE by our Certified Practising Speech Pathologist!
Upcoming IDDSI Sessions
Onsite or Group sessions for your home available. Please contact us for availability and pricing.
Education Sessions
Improve resident care by expanding the knowledge of your staff.
We have 12 quick education sessions to designed to provide in-depth knowledge on Speech Pathology in Aged Care. These educations sessions are designed Nurses, Care staff, Food service staff, Kitchen staff, Care Directors, and Lifestyle staff. These sessions can be presented by our Speech Pathologists while onsite or virtually.

No minimum numbers per session

Each session is no longer than 30 minutes

Held virtually on a day and time that suits you
Topics include Supportive Feeding Techniques, Dementia Mealtime Assistance, Mouth Care and more. Contact us for the full list of education sessions and pricing.
Comprehensive IDDSI audits
Our qualified Speech Pathologists provide comprehensive onsite audits of your organisations’ International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) processes. This is essential to ensure residents are receiving food and fluids that are prepared to the right texture or consistency to provide a safe and enjoyable mealtime experience.