Food Safety Level 1
Non-accredited Training Pack
This resource covers everything you need to be compliant for Food Standard Code 3.2.2A and more! Our Food Safety Level 1 Non-accredited Training Pack is the perfect start to creating a positive food safety culture within your business. Designed to be completed by individual food handlers, and then signed off by your Food Safety Supervisor, the Folder includes paper based and PDF copies of the training content to provide the flexibility to train group of food handlers all at once!
How to works!
Simply provide this Training Folder to your food handles to read through and complete the quiz! Your Food Safety supervisor will review their answers and provide further clarification or assistance if necessary. Food handlers can learn on their own, or your Food Safety Supervisor can teach a group of food handlers using the PDF to get everyone up to speed at once. Easy to use for annual refreshers too!

Takes 1 to 2 hours to complete

An cost efficient option as the price is not based on the number of users

Simple, yet in depth training to ensure everyone understands the basics of food safety

One upfront cost
This resource covers everything you need to be compliant for Food Standard Code 3.2.2A and more!
Training covers:
Food Safety Laws
Personal Hygiene for Food handlers
Food Delivery, Food Storage, Preparation and Handling
Food Contamination
Cleaning and Sanitising
Food Allergens
Food Poisoning and bacteria
Preventing Food Poisoning and bacterial growth
Become a food safety champion with our Food Safety Level 1 Non-accredited Training Pack!
Pack includes:
Training content
Quiz (10 copies) and Answers
Certificates (10 copies)
Attendance sheet
Training matrix
And a USB with everything for easy printing of extra copies of certificates and quizzes or to complete the training on your desktop!
Is there an online version?The PDF copy is included within the folder on a USB, as the training isn't available online. Using the PDF copy, individuals Food Handlers can flick through via their desktop or laptop. Alternatively, your Food Safety Supervisor can present the PDF to a group of food handlers too.
Is this training only for Aged Care homes and Childcare Centres?No. With the new Food Standard code 3.2.2A coming into effect December 8th, 2023 more business who handle food will be required to train their staff to remain compliant. Businesses such as Restaurants, takeaways, cafes, school canteens. Our Food Safety Training covers it all.
Does this training meet the new requirements under 3.2.2A for training food handlers?Yes. Under Food Standard Code 3.2.2A, food handlers are required to complete Food Safety level 1 training and be able to demonstrate and understand 4 areas of knowledge: safe food handling contamination cleaning & sanitising and personal hygiene. Our training covers all 4 areas and more!
Who is a food handler?The definition of a Food Handler is anyone that performs any task that involves making, cooking, preparing, serving, packing, displaying, storing, or the delivery of food as well as anyone who cleans equipment, utensils, surfaces, or cutlery.
Is this training pack accredited?This Training folder is non-accredited training, however we do offer this option. Go to https://www.oscarcaregroup.com.au/food-safety-basic-food-handling-course for more information on our accredited Food Safety Level 1 course.
Do the answers have to be reviewed by a Food Safety Supervisor?Ideally yes. Your Food Safety Supervisor oversees the day-to-day food safety requirements of the business and they must have the authority to supervise and give directions about food safety within your business.
How much does this Food Safety Level 1 Non-accredited training pack cost?$149 This cost is inclusive of GST and Delivery within Australia.
How long will it take to arrive?Roughly 5 - 10 business days. Once your order is confirmed, we will dispatch the pack within 2-3 business days. Post is included with the cost, so depending on your location it will then arrive within 3-5 business days from dispatch.