Watermelon: A juicy dilemma for those with dysphagia
Watermelon is a snack that many turn to when summer is around the corner. They’re juicy, sweet and refreshing…what’s not to love? For...
Watermelon: A juicy dilemma for those with dysphagia
A Snag in the Classic Bangers and Mash Dish
Ice Cream, an unsuspecting choking risk
How Speech Pathologists can support you with your mealtimes
RECIPE: Cream of Pumpkin & Lamb Soup for residents
Dysphagia: To Thicken or not to Thicken
Peanut Butter: A Sticky Situation for people with dysphagia
Can swallowing assessments be conducted via telehealth?
5 reasons why you need IDDSI training
RECIPE: HEHP Chocolate Cheesecake
Dementia awareness: You are not alone
We hate to be the bread-er of bad news
RECIPE: Strawberry Mousse
RECIPE: Carrot Cake