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There is so much to love about the ANZAC biscuit. It’s sweet, crunchy or chewy and reminds us of the ANZAC legacy and spirit. Making Anzac biscuits is beautiful tradition that many Australians use to commemorate ANZAC day to remember our fallen soldiers.

We will remember them. On the 25th of April 1915 during World War I, Australian and New Zealand soldiers set out to capture the Gallipoli peninsula. These soldiers became known as Anzacs and the pride they took in that name continues to this day. It was Australia’s and New Zealand’s first major military action and many lives were tragically lost. On this day, we pay our respects. Not only to the original ANZAC’s, we honour all Australians served and died in World War I and II, Korean and Vietnam Wars and all in military operations to date. Lest we forget.

How did ANZAC biscuits become a thing?

During the World War family and friends were missing their loved ones and sent food to the troops. The food needed to remain edible without refrigeration for a long period of time. However, they wanted to make sure it provided high nutritional value for energy. It is described as a traditional, eggless sweet biscuit and yes, originally without coconut.

Did you know Soldiers used ANZAC Biscuits for more than food! Soldiers used them as paint canvases, photo frames and even postcards! As well as ingenious ways to make them easier eat, by turning them into porridge and even jam tarts. How awesome!

Increase the fibre with Wholemeal Flour

This yummy recipe for ANZAC Biscuits is based on the traditional recipe with the addition of coconut, we’ve only made one tiny change – swapping out plain flour for wholemeal flour. Wholemeal flour contains 100% of the wheat grain, including the bran, which means it’s higher in nutrients. Whereas plain flour loses it natural nutrients when it’s processed. Wholemeal flour does have a rougher texture, and it may give you a slightly nuttier taste in some recipes. But in a sweet and chewy biscuit like these ANZACs, go ahead and make the swap – your gut with love the extra fibre!

RECIPE Anzac Biscuits

ANZAC Biscuits Recipe

Makes 50 (Adult serves) or 85 (kids serves)



​Rolled oats

​3 cups

Wholemeal flour (or Plain Flour)

​3 cups

​Brown Sugar


​Desiccated Coconut




​Golden Syrup


​Bicarbonate of soda

​1½ teaspoon

​Boiling Water

​3 Tablespoons


  1. Combine oats, flour, sugar and coconut.

  2. Combine butter and golden syrup, stir over gentle heat until melted.

  3. Mix bicarb soda with boiling water, then add to melted butter mixture, stir into dry ingredients.

  4. Take teaspoonfuls of mixture and place on lightly greased oven trays (or use baking paper); allow room for spreading.

  5. Cook in slow oven (150°C) for 16-20 minutes. If you prefer your ANZAC Biscuits crunchy instead of chewy, simply bake the biscuit for longer for a crispier finish.

  6. Loosen while still warm, then cool on trays.

Allergens: Wheat, Gluten & Milk

Nutritional Information

Each individual OSCAR recipe has been accessed by our qualified Dietitians and includes the IDDSI Texture Modification Suitability index.

ANZAC Biscuit Recipe Nutritional information

Original Source of recipe:

What do the Australian Dietary Guidelines say about eating biscuits?

There are 5 core food groups in the Australian Dietary Guidelines. Foods that are not in these groups are considered a “discretionary food” item. A discretionary food is classed as not essential for our physical health. This is because they are higher in saturated fat, added sugars, added salt or alcohol. However, when consumed occasionally in small amounts, they can be a part of a healthy diet.

Remember, everything in moderation! Food brings joy, unifies people, and signifies memorial advents such as ANZAC day. So, bake the biscuit and eat it too!

Can I have too many serves of biscuits...?

According to the Australian Dietary Guidelines, 1 ‘serve’ of a discretionary food = 600kJ. So, eating 1-2 biscuits is completely ok. See the below table below to see the difference in recommendations of discretionary food serves. The number of recommended serves is dependent on our age, gender, and physical activity. It is important to consider that we are all wonderfully different.

Recommended serves of discretionary foods

Approx. number of additional serves from the five food groups or discretionary choices

1-2 years

2-3 years

4-8 years

9-11 years

12-18 years

19-50 years

51-70 years

70+ years

​Boys / Men



0-2 ½




​0-2 ½

​0-2 ½

​Girls / Women





0-2 ½

0-2 ½

0-2 ½


Is it possible to make this recipe healthier?

Yes! You could potentially tweak this recipe to create a heathier bikkie. This is why we’ve suggested to use Wholemeal flour instead of Plain flour.

If you’re interested in a few other tweaks to this recipe to reduce the sugars, sodium, lower in carbohydrates, try these:

  • Swap butter for Extra Virgin Olive Oil The addition of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, as oppose to butter can improve overall health. Research has shown by incorporating 2 tbsp(40ml) can lower cholesterol and improve risks associated with cardiovascular disease. It is recommended in the renowned Mediterranean Diet due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Swap Golden Syrup for Maple syrup Maple syrup is sap taken form a maple tree. Although more expensive it is important to ensure you are purchasing the natural syrup as they can have added fructose corn syrup. Maple syrup is lower in GI and contains magnesium and zinc.

ALL foods can be enjoyed in moderation!

It is important to remember all recipes can be modified to maximise what we eat and nourish our bodies. This is what our Dietitians do best! Dietitians are not the food police, instead they support you to build a better relationship with food and assist you to get the most out of what you eat!

If you would like some assistance with recipes ideas or personalised nutritional support, please get into contact you one of our Accredited Practising Dietitians. We’re here to help you within Aged Care homes, In-home care, Childcare centres as well direct support within our Clinic!

Enjoying this recipe?

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