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RECIPE: HEHP Panna Cotta

The Panna Cotta.  The dessert that is perfection, in many ways.  Firstly, it looks perfect.  As a spoon glides through, it is sleek and clean on the spoon.  A perfect panna cotta also has that perfect wobble.  The taste is so sweet and melts in your mouth. 

This panna cotta recipe is extra special, and is great opportunity for residents to make the most of every mouthful from a high energy high protein perspective.  The sugar and cream add energy to this dish, and the full cream milk and full cream milk powder add even more energy, but above all they offer protein to this dessert. 

Each mouthful is creamy, delicious and a step to reducing the risk of malnutrition in aged care.  Of course, the panna cotta can be topped with any fruits.  Berries are high in Vitamin C and antioxidants, which are great for the immune system.

HEHP Panna Cotta Recipe for Aged Care Residents

Serves 50 adults

HEHP Panna Cotta Recipe for Aged Care Residents
HEHP Panna Cotta Recipe


400mL Boiling Water     

165g Gelatine    

960g Caster Sugar           

3.1L Thick Cream             

3.1L Full Cream Milk       

600g Full Cream Milk Powder     

165mL Vanilla Essence  

3.75kg Strawberries or Blueberries, to serve        


  1. Place the cream, vanilla, milk powder and milk in a large pan. Slowly bring to the boil over a medium heat. Stir well to ensure powder is dissolved. Remove from heat and set aside for 10 minutes.

  2. Add sugar and return to a low heat. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes, or until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat.

  3. Place 400mL of boiling water in a small heatproof bowl. Sprinkle over gelatine.

  4. Bring a small saucepan of water to boil. Remove from heat. Sit the bowl of gelatine in the water and stir until dissolved. Cool slightly, then stir into the cream mixture.

  5. Lightly oil ramekins. Place on a tray and pour in cream mixture. Refrigerate for 4 hours.

  6. To serve, break the seal by inserting a small knife between the panna cotta and the mould. Turn onto a serving plate and shake to release.

  7. Top with blueberries and/or strawberries to serve.


Nutritional Information

Each individual OSCAR recipe has been approved by our qualified Dietitians and includes the IDDSI Texture Modification Suitability index.

Nutritional panel for Panna Cotta for Aged Care


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