The Lamington or Lammo, is a traditional Australian dessert or sweet snack. The typical sponge cake, coated in chocolate icing and covered in coconut. While it seems simple, it is an Australian icon.
Lamington is such an icon, that we incorporate the Lamington flavour into nearly everything. Cadbury brought out the ‘Lamington’ Slices, Smith’s created the Lamington Crinkle chips, and even Bluebird (a NZ company) also released Lamington chips. Even fancy re-invented desserts or luxury ice-creameries include the lamington flavour. Lamingtons are found in all supermarkets and bakeries as a sweet treat. But we think, nothing beats a homemade lamington.
To Jam or not to Jam a Lamington?
It’s the great lamington debate. Does a lamington include jam or not? People tend to be a firm yes or no on their individual preference on this
The answer is, classic Lamingtons do not have jam or cream sandwiched in the middle. The simple lamington is an emblem after all, so we have stuck with the OG original lamington as an amazing recipe for you to try!
But of course, if you’re making the lamington for an Aged Care home, survey your residents and cater to what they want. For traditional celebrations, stick with the original.

13 Ideas to re-invent the lamington
Once you’ve mastered the Lamington, why not try different variations or by incorporating the lamington flavour into other desserts.
1. Lamington Slice
2. A huge lamington with many layers (cake size)
3. Lamington Ice-cream Cake
4. Lamington Balls
5. Mango or Strawberry Lamingtons
6. Lamington Pancakes
7. Lamington Cheesecake
8. Lamington Ice-Creams or ice-pops or choc-tops
9. Lemon Meringue Lamingtons
10. Lamington roll (like the Swiss roll)
11. Multicoloured lamingtons
12. White Chocolate & Pineapple Lamington
13. Reverse Lamington (chocolate sponge, with vanilla or white chocolate icing and chocolate sprinkles)

Our Lamington Recipe
Our Dietitians and chefs have created this recipe for both Aged Care Residents and young children within care. Our Recipe will have you saying I love you, a Laming-ton in no time. Enjoy!
Lamington Recipe for Aged Care Homes
Desserts, particularly dairy-based ones, come in handy to add more nutrients to Residents’ diet. For this reason, we suggest serving each Lamington slice with custard for that important extra protein and energy that Residents’ need. Desserts are a guaranteed food enjoyment for Residents and help fight malnutrition rates. Lamingtons can be a great mid-meal snack too! As well as special occasions and celebrations such as Australia Day and Birthdays.
Download the Aged Care Recipe for Lamingtons here.
This Aged Care recipe include a textured modified diet suitability table with recipe edits too, to ensure all residents can enjoy this lamington cake. We have more recipes available too. Besides a few freebies on our website, more are available in our Aged Care Recipe book.

Lamington Recipe for Childcare Centres
For Childcare, serve a small slice as a treat for kids to enjoy on special cultural occasions such as Australia Day, and of course, National Lamington Day on 21st July.
Download the Childcare Recipe for Lamingtons here.
More recipes will soon be available through our Childcare Recipe Book too. Express your interest today.